Tuesday, October 4, 2016


Listening to the talking points spilling out of Hillary and her surrogates, (political, on-line blogs, main- stream- media), you would think that Donald Trump had bilked our government out of millions of dollars in taxes. 

 Hillary’s talking points on this subject are terribly ignorant, hypocritical, or outright lies. I don’t think that Hillary is ignorant on how to use tax law to advantage since she has done so in at least three situations that I know of: 
1. Claiming a loss of some $700,000  in the 2015 taxes;
2. Charitable tax deductions of $10m which were to the Clinton Foundation which has been proven to make their way into the hands of various Clinton enterprises;
3. Utilization of the real estate provisions in the tax codes in such a way as to diminish estate tax liabilities.  

That does not make her ignorant about the use of tax law to lower the amount of taxes they would legally be liable.  It does, however, make her seem highly hypocritical. 
The fact that her conglomerate of peeps treat the citizens of our country as being ignorant, in regards to business and tax practice, is an insult to a large majority of we the people.  The same talk down to us blather about the practice of saving a company’s existence, by using the legal method of Chapter 11 bankruptcy.  That is another insult to all the small business owners who have had to use chapter 11 to survive. 
How many times has she insulted “We the people” ?  How many times has she counted on her sound bites to be ingested, into the voting populace, as gospel?  That’s really sad.  What is much worse is the number of folks so indoctrinated in our society that buy into her false narratives.

Def: Ig·no·rant:
without knowledge of, unaware of, unconscious of, oblivious to, incognizant of, unfamiliar with, unacquainted with, uninformed about, ill-informed about, unenlightened about, unconversant with, inexperienced in/with, naive about, green about.  Lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated.
Def: Hypocrite: a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs,principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, especially a person whose actions belie stated beliefs. a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude,especially one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.

Information of interest:
According to Hillary's tax returns--which she's published on her website, the Democratic nominee reported close to $700,000 in long-term capital losses in 2015:   http://www.hannity.com/articles/hanpr-election-493995/hypocrisy-hillarys-tax-returns-show-she-15166016/

This is an illuminating article regarding finance and acceptable tax practices.  It also shows how the Clintons used tax laws to their advantage. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2014-06-17/wealthy-clintons-use-trusts-to-limit-estate-tax-they-back

http://www.alternet.org/economy/robert-reich-reveals-real-scandal-trumps-failure-pay-taxes The real scandal here is that Trump and other hugely wealthy people can get away with this, and do so all the time. It’s just another way the system has been rigged – by rich people who buy off politicians to alter tax, bankruptcy, and other laws and regulations to their advantage, just like Donald Trump has done. 

http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2015/sep/21/carly-fiorina/trumps-four-bankruptcies/   Trump’s four bankruptcies were Chapter 11 reorganizations (named for its location in federal bankruptcy code), which are designed to restructure businesses without shutting them down completely. The purpose is to "save" the business, as opposed to other forms of bankruptcy which would liquidate the company

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