Wednesday, October 12, 2016


OK, I get it.  
You are morally superior human beings who know what’s best for our country.  It’s gonna be your way or the highway and there is no way you can support Donald Trump.  
Then there’s our political governing bunch that makes a big showing of how they are not going to support or even vote for Donald Trump.  I might go out on a limb here and suggest that they are acting in a counter productive and stupidly foolish manner.
In an earlier blog post, I stated my case against Trump.  I was totally in the Rubio camp and still would be had so many of my fellow conservatives not backed and voted for Mr. Trump.  They did vote and back him in insurmountable numbers and those numbers are firmly in Trump's camp today.
Something you “never Trump” GOP candidates running for office around the country are forgetting is this: there are 85% of your base who are voting for Trump.  You might come to realize that 85% may not vote for you who are deserting our cause in favor of a Hillary Clinton victory.  Some of us might even consider you as being traitors to our overall purpose of defending our sovereign nation.  You are, without a doubt, if Trump loses, going to be viewed as Hillary facilitators in the continued course Obama led us down.
I may never understand the “never Trump” conservative constituency who, mistakenly, stand proudly behind their constitutional stance but yet will put the immoral, socialistic pack of donkeys in the position of veto power.  If you think that anything other than a vote, I mean pulling the actual lever, for Trump is not voting for Hillary you are “squirrel food”.  How can you not know what that means?
AT STAKE:  Supreme court, education manipulated by unions, continued damage to the economy through taxation and regulation, constant erosion of the original Constitution, attacks on the second amendment, loss of business to other countries (TPP), curtailment of fracking, unrestricted intake of refuge, open borders and the list goes on.

When close to 70% of our population considers our government to be leading us in the wrong direction, why would you help to continue that direction of travel?

Pray for discernment
Pray for our country
Love your neighbor

God Bless The United States of America

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