Monday, October 31, 2016


I would wager that the dog ate your homework in grade school. 

With all the finger pointing going on, regarding what the FBI should have done or should not have done, memory should serve we the people best.  With all the smoke that has been blown our direction for the last few years, regarding Hillarys’ indiscretions in safe keeping our country’s vital communications, it is sometimes difficult to recall the absolute cause for our concern.  

Do you remember the fact that she decided to shun protocol, and agreement with the executive, by using a private server to communicate government correspondence?  

None of the subsequent investigations would have occurred if she had just followed the rules.  She would have followed the rules if she didn’t think they should not apply to her.  

If one were to study the historical record of her skirting both legal and ethical boundaries that record is probably one more task that you would not have enough time to accomplish before election day. 

The fact to remember is this: without Hillary’s bad judgment, disregard of protocol, and failure of full disclosure, we would not be having this discussion. None of this is the fault of anyone else, she is responsible.

So now it’s time for the Clintonesque common practice of misdirection and deflection.  This practice has been a predominate method of the Clinton cartel since their political presence entered our national awareness.  Some suggested reading regarding the lady who could become our first female President: “Crisis of Character”; “Armageddon”; ; Clinton Cash; “Hillary’s America”. 

Throughout the study of Hillarys’ records, the pattern of smearing accusers with blame and the obscurement of facts is more than evident.  The most notable are Hillary’s smearing the women who accused Slick Willy of sexual assault while in the office of president.  This time it’s trying to accuse Mr. Comey, Director of the FBI, of attempting to influence the election.  Once again, I reiterate, there would be no problem if she had just followed the rules.

After all, is said and done, should we elect her as President or should we do everything we can legally do to thwart her drive to govern?

Pray for discernment.  Pray for our country.

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