Wednesday, October 26, 2016


          Free will was a gift allowing Human beings the ability to be surprised by the outcome of our choices.
Every four years in the USA we the people have an opportunity to choose the person who will direct our countries economy, security, and basically oversee our legislative branch of the government.  There are some folks, in our society, who view making that choice as a responsibility, and some who are more than willing to let someone else choose for them.  They do, however, reserve the right to complain and whine about the outcome their lack of action.  There are also those of us who allow our choices to be manipulated by societal pressures and propaganda rather than taking the time and effort to do their own research.

This Presidential election cycle is a crowning example of manipulation.  If we were to only allow the information,  given to us by the media and the web universe, the odds of making the best choice would be close to nil.  I a society that has been kidnapped by “Political correctness”,  the less guarded remarks of the “non-politician” Trump, have put him at a disadvantage. Strange reason for discarding his managerial accomplishments from the equation of choosing a leader.

Nice talk (political correctness), saying only what we would like to hear, and not showing what they really think is a vein of dishonesty that I do not want in the person who will lead our country.  I am tired of the slick politician who says whatever the winds of polling are blowing instead of doing what is best for our country. 
I see Mrs. Clinton as the personification of the political chameleon saying, not necessarily doing, what she wants us to perceive.
I have listed some of the things I’m interested in having addressed for our country.  You  may well have other things that we need.

Business experience and a record seeing potential and making his vision come into reality.  Turning a $!,000,000 loans into a multi-billion dollar empire in 30 years. Tax incentives for the overseas business' to return to the US with over $3t influx of capital with a percentage of that going toward national infrastructure
30 years as a career politician and the ability to go from flat broke after leaving the white house to a net worth in excess of $200,000,000 in less that 12 years.  Remarkable?
Raise business taxes, raise personal taxes.
Wants to rebuild the military strength to prevent adversaries from detecting weakness.  Wants to review and change our rules of engagement.
Will rebuild military strength, will continue prosecution of war in a manner similar to that of Obama administration.
Stop illegal trafficking, extreme vetting of middle east refugees, end over- stay of visa’s
Allow large numbers of undocumented immigrants to come into and stay in our country.  Allow over 60K un-vettable refugees from Syria (?) into our country
Build a wall
Open borders
Rewrite current tax code and law, lower taxation,

Replace Obamacare, limit civil case awards, open competitive medical insurance  across nation
Keep and try to repair Obamacare, end goal of one-payer system
Re-organize the VA system
Just fine the way it is
Rebuild and strengthen, new rules of engagement
Limited rebuild
School choice
More money into the existing system (unions)
Return to the rule of law, DOJ, FBI

Appoint conservative judicial, original constitutional adherence
Appoint liberal judicial, constitution interpretation in accordance with present social agreement

Now I don’t know about you but in that entire list, I don’t see any mention about sexual misconduct, respect of others, or any type of personal behavior that should be no one else's business.  That’s why we call it personal.

Your vote is important and it should count for something.  This is not a personal thing, and it’s not about my ego or yours, this is about our nation and what we pass on to future generations of American citizens of the U.SA.

God Bless our Nation

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